Monday, July 14, 2008

Beach and Harmony

Every year we head to the beach, our SUV packed to its wobbling limit for a week of sand, sun and debauchery (or what passes for debauchery now that we have kids). And every year my husband says something like -- do you really need all this stuff?

This year I think he will win the packing/loading/unpacking arguments, since a Prius has replaced one of the SUVs and will be the official trip car from here on out.

But -- I will still make room for a case of wine from kybecca. Think about this folks, as you head to your beach house. Great wine, your favorite bottles, discounted by the half case or case. No shopping worries when you finally arrive at your vacation spot -- where the grocery, beer and wine mark ups are often quite high.

A bottle on hand to open when you get there! And -- my guy never objects to packing the wine.

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