Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Making Sure Every Detail Is Just Right

One of my pet peeves when eating out is flimsy flatware. You the know the kind I mean, forks that you can bend, spoons that look already bent. I have always wondered why restaurants that put so much effort into everything else often overlook this detail. Now I know.

The flatware available at restaurant supply is either inexpensive and decidedly low budget looking, or horribly expensive, but sturdy. The problem with spending money on the "good" stuff is that it is an additional expense that a small operation just can't afford. $4 for a fork?

After racking my brain for a solution to this problem the answer occurred to me while eating dinner at home. The line of flatware I use at home was not terribly expensive, and certainly much sturdier than what I had looked at for restaurant supply. After doing a little investigative work with the company, Gourmet Settings, I found a line that they sell in open-stock and even better in a matte finish (no fingerprints). The setting is called Carry On and won a red dot design award and an American Culinary award. The weight in the hand is perfect, and we didn't have to kill our budget to get something a little nicer.

Click here to check it out.

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